Michael Hannon <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> Here's the file that's supposed to trigger the kickstart process:
> [root@ucd-host pxelinux.cfg]# cat netboot-ks.SL.3.0.1
> default linux
> label linux
>    kernel vmlinuz-SL-3.0.1
>     append ksdevice=eth0 load_ramdisk=1 initrd=initrd-SL-3.0.1.img
> network ks=nfs:169.237.mm.nn:/SL/3.0.1/

I've never used PXE + Kickstart so I can't say for sure this is the
problem, but I use PXE to boot diskless worker nodes in a cluster and
when I set up pxelinux for these it said that all the pxelinux.cfg/*
files had to be named either "default" or a name based on some
fraction of the booting host's IP number in hexdecimal (eg
