On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:27:52 -0500, Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Found a laptop that tap *did* work.  Then installed the rpm I had rebuilt, and
>now the tapping *doesn't* work.  So for me it works.  But this is a really
>really old laptop.
>Anyway, my recompiled rpm is at
>If it works for you, we'll see about getting it in the contrib section.


I installed your rpm, and the tap is still on when I reboot.

Thinking it might be related to gpm in some way, I turned off the gpm in
services, went to single user mode and disabled the tap with "tpconfig
--tapmode=0" I get the message that the Alps pad has been disabled. I then
go to run level 3, login and then startx. The pad is tapping again. Grrr...

It may very well be that my fairly new Alps pad is not supported by tpconfig.

Thanks...   Tom