
Troy Dawson wrote:
> Looks like I missed one
> SL_inittab_change
> any others?

Troy: We have been discussing packaging yesterday and we came to a
conclusion that we should use some common naming guidelines, alike:


(I'll work on CERN stuff to be renamed this way)

I think If you are already rebuilding all these you could rename them

SL_desktop_tweeks-1.1-1 -> desktop_tweeks-1.1-1.SL
etc .. just an idea ..

As for the list below:

>> SL_sendmail_accept-1.0-2.src.rpm

-> this one is not installed by default , is it ?
(we at CERN do not allow individual machines to accept
SMTP by default ... I'm sure that there are other sites
doing this)

> SL_inittab_change-1.0-4.src.rpm

I'm not sure what is this one doing ?

>> Are there any more rpm's that do these little tweeks that I should put
>> in?
>> (I'm meaning generic tweeks, not site specific tweeks)

We have a modified redhat-config-securitylevel
which adds an option for AFS client (basically
opening afs3-callback port for incoming):

Would that one be of generic interest ?

- I think that openafs itself is also interesting
for lot of sites: I *think* that compiling krb5 in
(which you do as I understand) does not disturb people
who use krb4 only (or mixed) setups  (we always have disabled
krb5 for oa builds) ?

I will repackage our apt,apt-cern and synaptic (slightly newer version
than in SL) to have:

apt packages - not including any site-specific info
apt-autoupdate - scripts for using apt from cronjob (service
apt-autoupdate disabled by default)
apt-config-X.Y.SITE packages (or apt-config-site-X.Y if anybody wants
to have more than one site config for apt)

Also probably additional perl modules we provide are useful
for others (but these shall rather go into contrib area
I believe ?)

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___________________ CERN - IT/ADC/LE _
_ http://home.cern.ch/~jpolok ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_____________________________________ +41_78_792_0795 _