>>>>> "Connie" == Connie Sieh <[log in to unmask]> writes:

 Connie> Scientific Linux (SL) Release Candidate 2    May 3, 2004
 Connie> This is only a summary of the changes made since the release of April 26,
 Connie> 2004.

 Connie> Release is expected next week.

Connie, thanks for all your work and the nice documentation. I feel I
owe you some comments, even if I haven't managed to convert our own
distribution to SL (yet), lack of time but not of interest.

* you are shipping a number of zz_* RPMS in the "base" SL distribution
  - I understood that this prefix was actually used for Fermi-specific
  customizations in the past, and I wonder whether these should appear
  in the general release:


* You also seem to have a number of RedHat-compiled RPMs in the
  distribution, which could be problematic because of the "update service
  license" for Red Hat Enterprise. I haven't checked whether all of these
  RPMs come directly from RHE3 (but at least some like xfig do, same timestamps):

rpm -qp --nosignature --qf "%-30{NAME}\t%{VENDOR}\t%{BUILDHOST}\n" linux/scientific/30rolling/i386/SL/RPMS/*rpm | grep -i "redhat" | wc -l

I suggest at least to check whether all of these are "legal" to ship
(coming e.f from Fedora), and perhaps replace them with e.g. the
CERN-recompiled ones from http://linuxsoft/cern/cel3/i386/RedHat/RPMS/

Best regards