July 2011


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Print Reply
Todd And Margo Chester <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Todd And Margo Chester <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:56:44 -0700
text/plain (120 lines)
On 07/04/2011 10:04 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
> On 07/03/2011 05:34 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
>>> On 07/01/2011 07:48 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
>>>> On 07/01/2011 07:06 PM, William Scott wrote:
>>>>> On 27 June 2011 02:27, Larry Linder<[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hate to be a complainer, but stuff that has worked well for 20 years
>>>>>> is now
>>>>>> broken again. This is the second time in less than a year.
>>>>> Saw this today...
>>>>> More lp than lpr related.
>>>> Hi Larry,
>>>> I noticed in one of your prior posting that you did not want to world
>>>> to see your printer, just your VM.
>>>> I have a similar situation where I have a Windows 2003 Terminal
>>>> Server running as a VM on a CentOS 5.6 x64 server. I don't want
>>>> any of its traffic going anywhere but to the server and I limit
>>>> that as well with my firewall. The way I do it is to create a fake
>>>> Ethernet port called a Virtual Port. In my case it is eth0.5.
>>>> If you want to go this way, let me know and I will copy the list
>>>> my ifcfg-eth0.5 to give you a head start.
>>>> I do believe you can tell CUPS to only allow printing from
>>>> and eth0.5. There is a trick to this, so if you decide
>>>> to go the LPR/LPD route, also drop me a line and I will sent the
>>>> list my notes on the issue.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> -T
>>>> By the way, I install LPR on XP and print to CUPS-LPD
>> On 07/02/2011 03:35 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
>>> Could you email me the relevant configuration files? What you describe
>>> functionally is what VMWare workstation automagically did, but which
>>> must be manually configured for VirtualBox.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yasha Karant
>> Hi Yasha,
>> I am presuming you are looking for the virtual network configuration.
>> Basically, you create a new ifcfg file in
>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. The
>> "VLAN=yes" statement is what does the virtual network adapter magic.
>> I am using a fixed IP. You can use DHCP if you like. To all the world
>> it looks like an addition network card. Make sure "DEVICE=" matches
>> the name in "ifcfg-xxx". The first half of the "XXX=sss" must be
>> all caps.
>> Once you get the new ifcfg-xxx file in place, you can restart "network",
>> but I prefer to reboot.
>> You may want to set "PEERDNS=yes" if you are not using your own
>> local DNS.
>> Let me know if you need any help with LPR/LPD. There are some tricks
>> -T
>> ------ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.5 -------
>> #DEVICE=ifcfg-eth0.5
>> DEVICE=eth0.5
>> ONBOOT=yes
>> USERCTL=yes
>> IPV6INIT=no
>> PROMISC=yes
>> TYPE=Ethernet
>> VLAN=yes
> My guess is that the vboxnet ethernet interface that can be created by
> the appropriate configuration of VirtualBox virtual network interfaces
> and that shows up on ifconfig -a (after such configuring) is very
> similar to what you have provided. However, what I need to know is
> how to advertise/permit an existing direct attached printer to also be
> made available to this internal, non-externally-visible "network" so
> that the VirtualBox guest (in my case, currently MS Win XP Pro SP 3)
> can use the internal-network to send print jobs to the printer without
> interfering with the regular use of the printer by the Linux host
> (controlling the printer under CUPS).
> Thanks,
> Yasha Karant
Hi Yasha,

I see. I did not give you anywhere enough information
to do what you need. Give me a few days and I will
get you what you need. If you figure it out in the mean
time, let me know.
