July 2011


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Nico Kadel-Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
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Nico Kadel-Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Jul 2011 11:25:06 -0400
text/plain (68 lines)
On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Kenneth Hoste <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was looking into installing a Java JDK 1.6.0 on our Scientific Linux 6
> systems, and found it to fail.
> We need to install Java under a non-default path, e.g. /path/to/java,
> and therefore extract the RPM found on the Oracle website from the RPM
> binary installer using:
> ./jdk-6u26-linux-x64-rpm.bin -x
> We then install the RPM obtained this way as follows:
> rpm --initdb --dbpath /rpm --root /path/to/java
> rpm -i --dbpath /rpm  --root /path/to/java --relocate /=/path/to/java
> --nopre --nopost --nodeps jdk-6u26-linux-amd64.rpm
> The last command is failing with:
> error: Unable to change root directory: Operation not permitted
> This way of installing the Java JDK has worked fine in our previous SL5
> setup.
> I should add that RHEL6 or SL6 is not listed as supported on the Oracle
> website, see

This is partly because they're re-wrapping RHEL 6 as "Oracle
Enterprise Linux 6", and breaking free software best practices by
merging in their proprietary code. This is in distinct contrast to
what Scientific Linux does. It means that the compatibility with Oacle
Enterprise releases is a good indicator that it should work, but not
in any way a guarantee.

Mind you, Oracle, and Red Hat and a lot of others are collaborating
on openjdk. This is helping a number of long-term licensing,
compatibility, and installation issues for JDK's, and has cleaned up
that "rpm.bin" extraction and nastiness. If possible, please use
openjdk, I think we can expect to see the old "sun" based Java
packages cease development as efforts migrate to openjdk.

That said, the "--relocate" command has always been tricky, and
requires specific RPM bundling practices to work. See And I do sympathize: I
used ot have to install parallel 32-bit and 64-bit JDK's on the same
host, and it turned out to be pretty tricky and order sensitive and
required disabling of '%pre' and '%post' for one package, not the

> Has anyone been able to install an Oracle Java JDK 6 RPM on SL6 (or RHEL6)?

I did some JPackage integration attempts (I used to publish updates to
their various java nosrc.rpm packages.) Gave it up as pointless when
SL 6 came out and openjdk was obviously mature enough, and the
JPackage 6 repository reflects this successful switchover. I'm frankly
quite surprised if you really need the "Oracle JDK".

Because Sun, now Oracle could not publish their SRPM's (for licensing
reasons), they were quite difficult to debug, especially for this sort
of installation issue. OpenJDK does not have this issue.

> greetings,
> Kenneth
> [log in to unmask]