June 2006


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Maillling list for Scientific Linux developers worldwide <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 14:31:47 +0100
Andy Buckley <[log in to unmask]>
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Andy Buckley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
Paul F. Kunz wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 16 Jun 2006 14:42:11 +0100, Andy Buckley <[log in to unmask]> said:
>> Incidentally, did anything further ever happen with the Scientific
>> Linux team re. getting HD into it? There seemed to be some
>> misunderstanding about license issues... is that (being) resolved?
>    Today I fixed the RPM spec file that comes with the release, so now
> it works with the latest changes.   I've also added a license file,

I've copied this to the SL devel list: SL people, I take it that solves the 

>    I realize that HippoDraw is most useful when compiled with some
> optional external packages and depending if you are coming from HEP
> or Astrophysics, you may want to choose different options.   So what
> optinal packages should be built-in to the RPM?   They are ...
> - Python.   Of coursse it is there, but I need  python-devel.  I can
>   put python-devel as a prerequsit
> - Boost.Python.   RPMs available even with some newer RHEL systems.
> - Qt.  Of course available, and I can use version 3.1 if needed.
>   However, I need qt-devel to compile and this is not a default.

These are all pretty standard bits of OS these days: again, any problems, SL 

> - Minuit (C++ version).  There's no RPM file for this, altho I could
>   contribute one for their next replease.   I could also include
>   Minuit sources in the source RPM file and make it a subpackage
>   hippodraw-minuit.
> - ROOT.  Is there an RPM for ROOT?  When I log into
>   (which is SLC 3), there doesn't appear to be any ROOT installed and
>   no ROOT in the RPM database.  And if there were, it would be
>   compiled with gcc 3.2.3, which I can't use if HippoDraw gets
>   compiled with gcc 3.4 or later.  Of course, I could do like Minuit.
> - cfitsio.   This is the package to read/write FITS files which is the
>   astrophysics standard.   There are RPMs available for it at least in
>   the Fedora Core extras.
> - wcslib.  Word Coordinate System, interesting for astrophysics.   No
>   RPM available.

 > - numarray.   Not part of the standard Python install, but RPM is
 >   available at least for Fedora Core.

> - Doxygen. Needed for documenatation generation.  RPM available for
> - later versions RHEL and Fedora.
> - graphwiz.   Needed for documenation generation.   RPM available in
>   later version of RHEL and Fedora.

I'll let the SL people comment on the majority of those.

 From my point of view, I would like numarray (or numpy, as the recent releases 
of SciPy and matplotlib use it and they are also obvious things to provide in 
SL). Are Doxygen, graphviz and python-devel really necessary for a binary RPM 
of HippoDraw? There is already API documentation on your HippoDraw website and 
if you wanted it available in e.g. /usr/share/doc/HippoDraw on SL systems then 
surely a given set of Doxygen+Graphviz documentation could be tarred up as part 
of a hippodraw-doc RPM.

>    So what do you think?   SLC 3 is pretty old (RHEL4 being out over a
> year). Some of the external packages are not in SLC 3, but are in
> SLC4. 
>    Independent of CERN's SLC, I plan to try to contribute HippoDraw to
> Fedora Core.   If it makes it there, then it will be part of RHEL 5
> and thus part of SLC 5 unless CERN people take it out.

That sounds good to me: personally I'd love to see it in Debian/Ubuntu, too! 
Maybe I'll look into that.


Andy Buckley: CEDAR @ IPPP, Durham