January 2005


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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:21:53 -0600
text/plain (77 lines)
John Franks wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 14:30, csieh wrote:
>>A BETA of SL 3.0.4 for i386 is now available for testing from
> Hi all,
> I have been testing SL.304 on a few machines.  Generally all seems well,
> but I have a few questions/comments.
> 1. After installing yum-conf-30rolling-2.SL.noarch.rpm, is there a
> difference between "yum update" and  "yum upgrade"?  I tried each on
> different machines and the results seemed identical.

yum update just updates what you have, without checking to see if
anything obsoletes anything.
yum upgrade looks through all the uninstalled packages and see if
anything there obsoletes anything you have installed, it then put's that
in the list of things to do, and then does a basic yum update.
So, actually it's not really supprising if they both do the same thing
going from 303 to 304.

> 2. This is very minor, but starting with an up-to-date SL303 I
> got:
>    rpm -Uvh /tmp/yum-conf-30rolling-2.SL.noarch.rpm
>    Preparing...
>         package yum-conf-303-2.SL (which is newer than
>         yum-conf-30rolling-2.SL) is already installed
> Using --oldpackage worked.

Yes, when I built the yum-conf for the rolling ... well, that's what
happens.  The release candidate will have yum-conf-304.

> 3.  Installing yum-conf-30rolling-2.SL.noarch.rpm left my
> /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron but added an executable
> /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron.rpmnew.  Should the rpmnew version be
> non-executable or is cron smart enough to ignore *rpmnew?

Cron is smart enough to ignore the rpmnew.

> 4. The librsvg2 package generated the following error on all three
> machines I tried:
> librsvg2 100 % done 53/251
> /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders: line 27:
> /etc/gtk-2.0/i386-redhat-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf.loaders: No such file or
> directory
> error: %post(librsvg2-2.2.3-6) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

Will look into that.

Thanks for testing.  Sorry we've been a little delayed in responding.

Troy Dawson
> --
> John Franks <[log in to unmask]>
> Dept of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group